Transfer Files From PC To Mobile

Fastest Ways To Transfer Files From PC To Mobile (And Vice Versa)

Being a blogger, many times I need to transfer some files like images, video, clips etc from my mobile phone to PC or vice versa.

I never recommend using a USB cable to transfer data from mobile to pc or vice versa.

It takes a LOT of time…

I was using WhatsApp Web for transferring small files from my mobile to computer and vice versa.

AND, I also used Email to transfer small-sized files like images, PDF, TXT etc.

I send email from one of my emails to another by attaching them using and download it from mobile or PC where I want it to have.

BUT, it is not good enough when it comes to file transfer.

So, I have researched a lot and found some best tools and methods you can use to transfer file from PC to mobile or mobile to PC.

Easiest Methods To Transfer File From Mobile To PC or Vice-Versa

I have tried many ways to transfer file from pc to mobile but some of them are good and easy with less time taking.

Here are those ways:


Transfer file from PC to Mobile using SnapDrop

This is the best method I found to transfer files between PC and Mobile.

This is the easiest and quick way, you just need to visit from both devices(Computer and Mobile).

Make sure both devices should be connected to the same WIFI. Otherwise, It will not work.

Once SnapDrop is open on both devices and connected with the same WIFI. Then, you will see the second device’s icon as you can see in the below image.

Transfer data from PC to Mobile

I am going to transfer a file from mobile to computer so I clicked on Windows Chrome icon in my android device. You can do the same if you are transferring from mobile to PC or if you want to transfer from Computer to Mobile then click on the Android Chrome Icon in your computer.

It will ask you to select a file you want to transfer from your computer to mobile or mobile to computer.

select file to Transfer from PC to Mobile and vice versa

Once you select a file or multiple files you want to transfer, a prompt on another device will ask you to Download.

Share files from mobile to computer

Just click on Download button, you have done it.

This is the fastest and easiest method to transfer a file from mobile to computer or vice versa.

2. Transfer Data From Android To PC Using WiFi FTP Server

Wifi FTP Server

Wifi FTP Server app is a very simple way to transfer file from mobile to computer. Just download it from Google Play Store.

Once it successfully downloaded and installed in your android device, open it and click on the Start button.

WIFI FTP Server for transferring files

Once it Stared, it will create an FTP server for you where you can see and download files in your mobile.

WIFI FTP Server Started

You just need to visit the Server URL and enter user id and password to access it. Then, you can see all the folder on your mobile phone as in the below image.

Transfer file using WIFI FTP Transfer

You just need to click on the folder your file is located in which you want to download and click on the File you want to download. That’s It!

3. Through Pushbullet

Pushbullet is an awesome app which helps you to monitor your mobile phone on your desktop. It notifies you about Whatsapp Messages, calls, SMSs and each notification you got on your mobile device.

It also allows you to send files from PC to mobile and vice versa.

Just Install Pushbullet on your android device from Google Play Store.


Once it installed, Sign in using your Google or Facebook account.

Pushbullet Log in

Now go to and log in using the same Google or Facebook account you used while login on Pushbullet android app.

Once you logged into Pushbullet Dashboard, Go to Devices and you can see your devices added there. Just need to click on symbol highlighted in the below image to share files from PC to mobile device.

transfer files using Pushbullet

Similarly, you can do with your Android device, click on the same icon on the App in your phone to share files from your mobile to the computer.

4. Transfer Files Using WeTransfer

I am sure you’ve ever used Emails to share files but you can’t share a large file using email because Gmail has a limit of 25MB.

But I have a good tool that can let you share large files easily, It’s called WeTransfer.

WeTransfer is another best way to share files from one device to another, be it iOS, Computer or android.

WeTransfer is a web tool that you can use to transfer your files to one device to another via emails or downloadable links.

You don’t need to create an account for sharing files using WeTransfer and it is totally free as well.

Go to and click on I Agree to accept their Terms of Service and Cookie Policy.


Click on the + symbol to select file you want to share, you can add multiple files.

Share data using WeTransfer

There are two ways for sharing files, via Email or you can create a Downloadable Link for the file and download the same file using that link.

You can select which option you want to share file by clicking on the 3 dots icon in the bottom as highlighted in the image.

Share data using WeTransfer

After clicking on 3 Dots, you can select how you want to share this file.

Wetransfer sharing file via link

After adding files and choosing the method you want to share your file, hit a final click on Transfer.

You’re Done! Now you can use this Downloadable Link on your PC if you want to get this file on pc or do same for mobile. If you want to share it via Email so you just need to select Email and enter the details like To email, From email and Message.


These are the fastest and easiest methods I found to transfer data from Mobile to PC or vice versa.

Using a USB cable or Bluetooth can be very time consuming, whereas these tools will provide you with the fastest data transfer between mobile and PC or PC to mobile.

AND, Don’t forget to tell which method you like most in Comments.

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One Comment

  1. So you are saying that uploading then download files over WIFI is faster AND easier than plugging in a usb and transferring? Something sounds fishy here.

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